Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Zachary in the hospital with laptop for distraction

Zachary in the hospital
Originally uploaded by jippyjabber.

He is so cute. I try to make him do something educational. He often watches movies and playes games on his laptop to distrac him from pain, panic, and boredom. This picture is actually from a dental procedure he had done. I never know how Zachary's body will respond.

It was after a dental procedure that Zachary had his first rabdomyalosis. Basically, his muscle protien is released into the blood stream and it damages the kidneys on the way out. It was also hard on his liver. The second time it happened, it was triggered by the flu. Both times he spent two weeks in the hospital. Because he has had it twice, we were referred to the genetics clinic, to look into the mitochondrial disorder.

The good thing about belonging to a regular clinic like the MAGIK clinic is that I knew Dr. Joseph would stop by to check on Zachary. He would interpret the medical information for me. He also knew Zachary so well he could rule out things that were being considered and validate things other doctors weren't at first willing to accept just at my word. Now, everyone is gettting to know that Zachary is one medical rubiks cube. Especially when it comes to pain.

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